2025 Northeast Freedom Area Spiritual in Nature Retreat!!!
Minimum 10 Years Clean
After reviewing the previous year's minutes, prepare and submit a suggested time line of tasks for each subcommittee.
Attend the Spiritual Retreat Meeting on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the each month, giving a report at each meeting.
Prepare an agenda for and preside over Retreat Committee meetings.
Suggest, coordinate, organize, delegate, follow-up, and in general help generate enthusiasm for the projects planned by the Retreat Committee.
Attend monthly NEFA Special Events, NEFA, Regional, or Other Spiritual Retreat Committee Meetings when possible and submit written reports of all projects and activities of the Retreat Committee including financial information.
Maintain an active role in NEFA Spiritual Retreat Subcommittees.
Prepare and submit a yearly budget at the Retreat Committee within two months of election.
Serve as co-signer for the NEFA Spiritual Retreat checking account, and in the absence of a Treasurer, assume all duties of the Treasurer.
Maintain archives to be handed from Chairperson to Chairperson.